MCESC Measles Protocol

You’ve probably read Supt. Shannon Cox’s Parent Square message regarding the measles outbreak in the area.  If you are exposed, you will need to take certain steps.

“Exposed” means you’ve been in a situation where you can catch the virus from someone who already has measles. For example, you can be unknowingly exposed to the measles virus by being in the same room, home, school, office, or waiting room with someone who has measles or by being there up to 2 hours after the person with measles has left.

The quarantine is a 21-day period for those who are not vaccinated or considered immune. Anyone born in 1957 or before is considered to be immune. Any adult who has had their childhood immunizations or who has had a past measles infection, is also considered immune but must be able to provide proof of immunization or documentation of past measles infection. Adults can get one dose of the vaccination at a PHD/MC clinic and be considered immune if they cannot produce a shot record.

When we are notified of an exposure, we will need to react right away and start the quarantine process.  Please send the HR Dept. your proof of immunization or immunity as soon as you have it so we can react properly.

If you need to quarantine, you must stay home for 21 days.  Some staff may be able to work from home but they will need to contact HR for that determination.  If you have a position that will not allow you to work from home, you will need to use sick, personal, or vacation days to cover the work days within the 21-day period you would be off work during a mandatory quarantine. If you do not have leave available, you will not be paid for the work days in quarantine.

We are also asking that you badge in and out each day and for each building you visit (and not follow someone in the building who is holding the door open for you) because we will need to be able to provide information about staff present in a building.  If needed, we can run reports from the security system which gives us dates and times you are in a building but you need to swipe your badge.  Also, please keep a record of attendance for meetings you schedule in your building that will include non ESC staff.

Protocol to follow if you have been exposed:

  1. Contact PHD/MC (937-225-4508)
  2. Contact the HR Dept.
  3. HR will make the determination about your status: either continue to work because we have the required documentation, quarantine, work from home or go on unpaid/paid status

We have posted information from PHD/MC.  Please review at your convenience and contact HR if you have any questions.


Montgomery County Public Health

Marion Stout

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